In Loving Memory

Andrea Namen
Valued CAPIC volunteer. RIP Andrea Namen. A champion for the rights of feral cats. Andrea trapped, neutered, and returned hundreds of cats and helped with adopting kittens with CAPIC. She will be greatly missed.

Al Chernoff
Al "Alley Cat" Chernoff, a great cat rescuer who was murdered in his Philly home. We will always love and miss Al, our good friend to CAPIC.

Henry, Amwell Pet Supply's store cat for 7 years.

RIP Marley.

Jag passed away in 2019 from kidney disease and feline diabetes. He was a special cat.

King passed away suddenly in 2020, and was very close buddies with Jag. He missed him so much.

Rascal died from feline leukemia while in foster care.

Klondike came from a hoarding situation and was rescued at 8 oz. He was raised and loved but unfortunately died from congenital heart disease at 16 months of age.

Rescued during hurricane Irene, Manny fell in oil from a major oil leak in Manville and he was unable to recover.

Was rescued but unfortunately could not recover from distemper complications.

Was diagnosed with FIP and was unable to fight the battle.

Contracted a viral infection and was unable to recover.

Another wonderful cat who contracted an illness she could not beat who was rescued from the Mont. Twp. pound.

Unable to recover from illness.

A beautiful long hair black beauty who left us too soon.

Rescued after he was abandoned by his owner and been attacked by another animal.

Snow White
Showed up on a volunteer doorstep and then taken to vet and cared for until the day she went to the rainbow bridge. She was vetted and we found out she was quite old and probably was dumped from someones home as she was friendly and was well cared for until her passing. She had many tests done and she was a beautiful cat.

Our beloved rescue who was rescued on May 5 2012 and named Taco for Cinco de Mayo. Taco was unable to beat a viral disease and passed away on Dec. 12, 2012 Our hearts will always miss him.

Could not beat his infection. RIP.

Was taken in but unfortunately she had a stroke/ blood clot and passed. Capic mourns her loss.

RIP little sweet thing!